2021 news

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This is the ProgClub news for the year 2021. Latest news goes on top.


ProgClub 10 year birthday

This year ProgClub turns 10! But we're not going to have a party, because COVID. Hopefully we will be back online for the Christmas party later this year.



ProgSoc is closing down user accounts, SSH access, and member web content. :(

We're all very sad. CK is planning a funeral.

Got the old ProgSoc wiki set up over here: https://www.progsoc.progclub.org/wiki/Main_Page and have extended an offer to host ProgSoc mail forwarding over here at ProgClub...


Pcdate: new feature

John added a new feature to pcdate for his mate CK: days of week support. So you can schedule an event for a weekend or some specific days of the week.