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Pcdate is the ProgClub event scheduling software. That's the software that allows you to find a date that people can attend a particular event. For other projects see Projects.

Project status



Members who have contributed to this project. Newest on top.

All contributors have agreed to the terms of the Contributor License Agreement. This excludes any upstream contributors who tend to have different administrative frameworks.


Copyright 2011, Contributors. Licensed under the New BSD license.

Source code

The repository can be browsed online:


The code for pcdate is publicly available from svn:


Or privately available for read-write access:



Functional specification

Login screen

Here the user can login by specifying their username. There are no passwords for this system.

Event list screen

Here all events in the system are listed.

Event creation screen

Here a user can create an event by specifying an event name, earliest date and latest date.

Event screen

Here the current availability of everyone in the system is reported and candidate dates are reported.

Availability screen

Here a user can nominate their availability.

  • Y: Yes, available
  • N: No, not available
  • M: Maybe available

By default if a user has not made a specific nomination for a date then it is considered a 'maybe'.

When users save their preferences they get written to a file. If the user returns to the screen the saved file is reloaded into their browser.

Technical specification

System implemented in PHP with a file-system based backend.


Things to do, in rough order of priority:

  • Select entire week availability
  • Fix up site navigation and overall look-and-feel
  • Fix up HTML titles and content headings
  • Add more description and help text
  • Validate comment field doesn't contain new-line or pipe
  • Allow for event deletion
  • Sort event list
  • Sort user list
  • Default DEBUG to on


Stuff that's done. Latest stuff on top.

  • JE 2021-02-15: added support for selecting days of week during event creation
  • JE 2011-12-05: released initial event creation, availability nomination and reporting
  • JE 2011-12-05: created project page and project in svn

Notes for implementers

If you are interested in incorporating the ProgClub pcdate into your project, here's what you need to know:

Just get a copy of the system from pcrepo.