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The "text tables" format (TTB) is a human-readable data-format that is potentially less bandwidth intensive than JSON (because column names are not repeated), but that can readily be converted to JSON, and is suitable for expressing tabular/structured data. The format was stolen almost verbatim from the MySQL command-line tool.

# The data format supports hash comments before tables

| uid:int:key | wiki_name | join_date  |
|        1000 | John      | 2011-07-25 |
|        1001 | Tasaio    | 2011-07-26 |

| gid:int:key | name | description    |
|          27 | sudo | Administrators |
|         500 | user | Users          |

| uid:int | gid:int |
|    1000 |      27 |
|    1000 |     500 |
|    1001 |      27 |
|    1001 |     500 |

The JSON would be:

var data = {
  "member": [
    { "uid": 1000, "wiki_name": "John", "join_date": "2011-07-25" },
    { "uid": 1001, "wiki_name": "Tasaio", "join_date": "2011-07-26" }
  "group": [
    { "gid": 27, "name": "sudo", "description": "Administrators" },
    { "gid": 500, "name": "user", "description": "Users" }
  "member_group": [
    { "uid": 1000, "gid": 27 },
    { "uid": 1000, "gid": 500 },
    { "uid": 1001, "gid": 27 },
    { "uid": 1001, "gid": 27 }

Data structures can be built on top of the base data and reference it. E.g. the record data in the "member" array could be referenced by a "member_uid" map like this:

var member_map = {
  "1000": &{ "uid": 1000, "wiki_name": "John", "join_date": "2011-07-25" },
  "1001": &{ "uid": 1001, "wiki_name": "Tasaio", "join_date": "2011-07-26" }

Such maps can be constructed automatically when we know which columns are keys. (We could also potentially auto-detect keys when values in a column are all unique, and perhaps also suitably concise.)

Descriptor cells

A descriptor cell is a colon delimited set of values. Values that are not specified are ignored.

Table descriptor cell

The first descriptor cell is the table descriptor cell. It's first value is the table name (it must be a syntactically valid Javascript variable name). Other values are not used presently.

Column descriptor cell

The first line in a table (the table header) contains the column descriptor cells (which are tab-delimited).

The first value in a column descriptor cell is the column name (it must be a syntactically valid Javascript variable name). The second (optional) value is the column type (default type is 'string'). The third (also optional) value is a comma-delimited list of column attributes. Other values are not used presently.

Column types

Supported data-types are:

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • string
  • text (URL encoded, and auto-decoded)
  • json (JSON encoded, and auto-decoded)
    • note: json inputs must not contain control characters (e.g. tab/new-line), if that can happen JSON inputs will need to be URL encoded JSON, requires investigation.

Other types to consider (not used presently):

  • date
  • time
  • datetime
  • base64 (encoded)
  • md5, sha256, etc.
  • regex (regular expression)

Column attributes

Supported column attributes are:

  • key (indicates column (of any type) is unique and can be used as an identifier)

Other attributes to consider (not used presently):

  • index (create an array of records indexed by a given field)

Fields (data cells)

So the meat of the table is in the fields of the data rows. Leading and trailing white-space is to be ignored.