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x2maths.web is a mathematics website collaboration. For other projects see projects.


Latest production version: unreleased. Latest development version: 0.1.1.

See tasks for work that still needs to be done.


Why this software? To help improve the layout and accessibility of the previous website.



Members who have contributed to this project. Newest on top.

All contributors have agreed to the terms of the Contributor License Agreement. This excludes any upstream contributors who tend to have different administrative frameworks.

Upstream contributors:

  • TBA: Derek


Copyright 2016, Contributors.


Licensed under the MIT license.


Libraries, tools, services or media from third parties used under license:

  • LAMP stack



There are no downloads, this project is a website.

Source code

The repository can be browsed online:


The latest stable released version of the code is available from:


Or if you want the latest version for development purposes:




Functional specification

The functional specification describes what the project does.

The project provides the website at www.x2maths.com.

Technical specification

The technical specification describes how the project works.

The project is a website delivered on the LAMP stack using jQuery, AngularJS 2, etc.


Notes for implementers

If you are interested in incorporating this software into your project, here's what you need to know:

Copy and paste your way to victory!

Notes for developers

If you're looking to set up a development environment for this project here's what you need to know:

svn co https://www.progclub.org/svn/pcrepo/x2maths.web/branches/0.1 x2maths.web-0.1

You can test using npm, e.g.:

jj5@orac:~/repo/svn/pcrepo/x2maths.web-0.1/web$ npm start

Or try:

jj5@orac:~/repo/svn/pcrepo/x2maths.web-0.1/web$ ng serve

Install watchman

See here how to install watchman, basically:

$ git clone https://github.com/facebook/watchman.git
$ cd watchman
$ git checkout v4.7.0  # the latest stable release
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Notes for ProgClub administrators

To release a version of this project use the pcrepo-branch-release script from the jj5-bin project:

$ pcrepo-branch-release x2maths.web $MAJOR.$MINOR $REVISION


$MAJOR = the major version number, presently 0
$MINOR = the minor version number, presently 1
$REVISION = the revision number for this release

Note: the $REVISION number starts at 1 and is incremented for each release. The revision number is odd for development releases and even for production releases. See status for last production release and increment by two for next production release.



Things to do, in rough order of priority:

  • design Angular web site
  • port old content


Stuff that's done. Latest stuff on top.

  • JE 2016-11-08: created the project in svn
  • JE 2016-11-08: created project page